Online Psychologist serving Illinois

dr. evelyn comber


Get accessible, personalized, and confidential mental healthcare from the comfort of your home.

Why tele-therapy?

You may have questions about tele-therapy, or as it is also known, virtual therapy, online counseling, virtual mental health counseling, or telehealth psychotherapy counseling. These terms are all referring to the same concept-helping people feel better by reaching them wherever they are.

Some of the reasons to do virtual therapy are:

  1. Surrounded by your own things, you feel more comfortable in your own environment

  2. Save time and gas by not having to travel to the appointments

  3. Easier to fit appointments into your schedule

  4. Online therapy has the same efficacy as face-to-face meetings (fancy way of saying online is as good as f2f)

  5. The convenience factor

To safeguard your confidentiality and privacy, all your interactions with me will take place using HIPAA-compliant video, email, and telephone.

Client quotes

“Evelyn possesses a unique blend of empathy and interpersonal strengths. She is a patient and caring, always willing to listen and to understand the perspectives of others.”  

“Evelyn is very personable and easy to talk to about any situation. She is highly educated and has had many life experiences which allows her to empathize with other’s life situations.”

“What I appreciate most is Evelyn’s honesty in having difficult conversations and her ability to give authentic and realistic feedback.”

“Evelyn expresses herself clearly and effectively; she tells you what they need to hear, not what they want to hear; she behaves with integrity making it easy to trust her; she has multicultural sensitivity and flexibility in thinking about a client’s expression of sexuality and sexual orientation”